TRAVELLER is a registered trademark of FarFuture Enterprises. © 1996. All rights reserved.

Last updated 19JUL99

Traveller Timeline

1977 Classic Traveller released
1987 MegaTraveller released
1992 Traveller: The New Era released
1996 Marc Miller's Traveller released
1998 GURPS Traveller is the latest incarnation of this Classic Sci-Fi Universe. It actually takes place in an alternate Universe that diverges from the main one during the events at the start of the MegaTraveller Era. In this Universe the Horrors of the Rebellion never happened and the Imperium still prospers.
While it sounds great to those of use that are mainly fans of 'Classic Traveller', it does have some serious faults caused by converting it to the GURPS setting. The Starship deck plans now use hexes instead of squares, measurements are no longer in metric, and they use the GURPS Tech Levels instead of the Traveller Tech Levels. This last is the most confusing of all, as you're never quite sure what tech level you are in!

The Following Traveller Material is available

My Traveller Bibliography is sort of a work in progress, I've been working on it for several years now. Nearly a year ago I added some chunks from a simular list which is why a few of the entries are different from the rest. A lot of the material I own, and most of the rest I've taken from magazine reviews and advertisements, so it is conceivable that some of this material never actually made it to print.

T4 Ships

T4 Vehicles

Macintosh Software

So far I've only written one piece of software that is applicable to the Traveller Universe.

It is freeware, but I would appreciate any comments about it. What you like, what you don't like. I can be reached via e-mail.

Starship Deckplan Templates

I've had so many people wanting copies of this I decided I'd best just put it up here for people to download. These symbols are for the Macintosh version of ClarisDraw. They allow you to drag and drop all of the common, and some not so common symbols onto your deckplans. Included in the file are all the normal small craft.


T4 was published by Imperium Game's until they lost the rights. Very shady, not sure why the page is still around. Last I'd heard they weren't even allowed to sell the material they had left.
Traveller - the web pages
Peter Miller's Traveller page
Freelance Traveller - a Traveller E-zine
Rob Prior's Web Pages are a great source of Traveller software for the Macintosh

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