(This is the file Emacs:BibTex.Doc) Aug 28/87 USING THE EMACS BIBTEX LIBRARY The BibTex library is a modification by Rich@AI of the Biblio library written by CTaylor@ISIF. This documentation is supplementary to Emacs:Biblio.Info, and summarizes the few simple basic commands needed to use BibTex. This documentation also assumes that you are familiar with BibTex itself (see Appendix B of the Latex manual). * SETTING THINGS UP Bibliographic database files for use with BibTex/Latex must have the .BIB extension. To provide for editing of these files in BibTex (sub)mode, put the string -*-BibTex-*- somewhere in the first line of the file, for example, as shown below. @Comment ( My Bibliography Database in -*-BibTex-*- ) When you read in this file, your buffer will automatically go into Tex mode with BibTex submode (shown in the status line as Tex-Bibtex). If you happen to have a separate file of @String abbreviations (e.g. so you can use different abbreviations for different journals), you need to set the variable "BibTex String File" to tell the Compile command (see below) about it. This is most easily done in the file itself using the Local Modes feature. For example, you can put something like the following at the very end of your .BIB file. (Note the ^L below is not a real control-L. It needs to be changed into one to work properly.) You can also set the variable BibTex Title, which changes the default title on listing the file. Finally, you can set the variable BibTex Bibliographystyle to change the style used in printing the master file. (If you want to use the default of Key, you don't need to set the variable.) ^L Local Modes: BibTex String File:PS:MYABBREVS BibTex Title:My Bibliography BibTex Bibliographystyle:Key End: Finally, there is an optional display mode in which the top three lines of the screen permanently show the possible entry types. You can get this display using the command "M-X Show BibTex Entries" (see below) once you are in BibTex mode; or else adding the following variable initialization to your Emacs.Vars file causes this display to be the default. BibTex Window:1 * BASIC KEYBOARD COMMANDS IN BIBTEX MODE M-Space After typing an entry name (e.g. @article), this command expands into the template for this type of entry. Note that typing Space would do the same, but leave a space before the key. M-N Go to next field. M-P Go to previous field. M-C-N Go to next blank field. M-C-P Go to previous blank field. M-] Go to end of current entry. M-[ Go to start (key) of current entry. M-. When you are finished typing in all the required and some of the optional fields, this commands gets rid of the remaining blank fields. M-/ This is the inverse of M-. It puts back all the possible optional blank fields. M-@ Mark the current entry. (Handy for deleting with C-W.) M-? Prints out short summary of commands. * OTHER COMMANDS IN BIBTEX MODE M-X Show BibTex Toggles whether entry names are shown at top 3 lines (use in BibTex Mode only). M-0 M-X BibTex Takes you out of BibTex Mode. M-X Bibtex puts you back.